Please help collect supplies for Tujereng Hospital (Gambia)

Please help collect supplies for Tujereng Hospital (Gambia)

Dear partners and colleagues, have a happy & healthy new year 2018!

In Europe, wishing someone a healthy new year is often a given and more of a phrase. Where I live now, being healthy is often not up to you. If we're sick, we see a doctor, go to the hospital, and we get taken care of. If you're sick in Gambia, and you end up being dependant on medical care, things can be very different.

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I've met with the board of the Tujereng Hospital (a Health Post) and found huge deficits in water supply, and general hygiene - simply due to a lack of funds and money. After just a few hours I completed a comprehensive list of things necessary to make this place an actual place of help for others. We need water bacteria filters, plaster, bandages, an ultrasound device, and other tiny, cheap items. In case you have something to pass onto me to take there on my next trip out, or in case you found it in your hearts to donate a small amount of money. Do get in touch with me on here, or take a look at my full list of needs:

  • stethoskcope
  • computer/laptop/keyboard (We take used computers and hardware just as happily, but would appreciate the software and keyboard to be French)
  • 3 clocks for the treatment rooms
  • urine tests
  • sterilization equipment
  • sterile gloves
  • nasal aspirator
  • pregnancy tests
  • portable ultra sound device
  • forceps
  • blood pressure monitor
  • Any medicines for children
  • blood sugar tests for diabetics
  • blood glucose meter
In addition (will be bought in or around Dakar because it would be difficult totransport it from Germany)
  • disinfectiant
  • fridge for meds
  • cleaning supplies

I appreciate any help and support! 

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