Help purify water for 1065 young students in Gambia

1065 students, a few teachers, and 1 water tap.

Schule Gambia Pausenhof web


Do you like your degree? Has it opened doors to you? The key to a good degree and a well-paying job is education. We know all of this, yet we do so little to ensure all following generations receive the same, equally good or even better education than we did. I for one am convinced, that education and good schools are one of the keys not just to to a new Africa, but a new world. It is our responsibility to lend a helping hand. Take the Tujereng Lower Basic School for example (you may remember I've told you about a hospital in bad condition in the same village). 1065 students, a few teachers, and 1 unreliable water tap - this is an unacceptable ratio for many reasons! No hygiene can be guaranteed at this school with this little water. No student is drinking enough water while they're in class. I want to install a water purification system at this school to help them have more water. For example, some of our MiniPure Systems can already supply over 2 Million litres of purified water per year. I appreciate and help and every small donation to make this work.

Please pass this post along to your colleagues or anyone you think would like to help out. Thank you!


This is a standard classroom in Gambia.

Schule Gambia Schulhof web

There's an enormous amount of people dependant on clean water at this school - and practically anywhere in Gambia.

Kwatee Projektierung web

Clean drinking water - a sure thing for us, something rare for others. Here we're trying to show how our water purification systems take out all bacterias and sediments that usually accumulate at the bottom of the glass.